Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 28,2011

Police present suspects to the media in Guadalajara
Associated Press: 7 bodies found in car abandoned in central Mexico

In Cuernavaca, Mexico the police have found seven bodies of both men and one woman inside an abandoned car. 3 were in the car and 4 bodies in the trunk. The police did not give any further detail.


Be with the town of Cuernavaca as it suffers through the tragedy. Gathering from the evidence it seems like the type of violence that is not common in that city. Lord, I pray for those family members who lost their children, mother, father, brother, sister, of cousin in this gruesome ordeal. Thank you lord for sending your son to die on the cross and to be resurrecting 3 days later. Your son suffered the greatest price and we could never compare to that. Thank you for being almighty. Lord have mercy on those who have committed these crimes. Let them see your amazing love.


Monday, March 28, 2011

March 27, 2011

Mexico state near US on alert after H1N1 deaths
AFP: Mexico state near US on alert after H1N1 deaths

In the city of Juarez four people have died of the H1N1 virus in the last week. The state health officials quickly launched a vaccination campaign and outreach program to inform the city about preventative measures. Since April 2009 the swine flu has killed 18,500 people in Mexico. Not to mention the flu has been detected in 85 people in Venezuela in the past week.


You are El Shaddai, God almighty. You know all and are in all. Lord, I pray for the city of Juarez who constantly faces drug violence and who now faces disease. Lord, I pray for the people in Juarez. Comfort them and be with those families who have lost family members to the flu. Provide prevention and protection to others in the city and around. You can overcome all. Thank you for being our refuge.


March 26, 2011

NY Times Video: Reforming Mexico's Police

The idealistic mayor of Jalapa is completely changing the police force in this small southern town in Mexico. He hired an Israeli Security force agency to help train the policemen. They had to start from the ground up because in Jalapa the policemen were completely corrupt. Most of the time they would not show up for work, and being a police officer was a fall back plan. Now under the efforts of the mayor the are training and hiring men who after much questioning and examining are accepted into the department of security. The mayor has bright hopes for his policemen and his town.


Thank you for being our almighty protector and shield. Lord, help the town of Jalapa. Provide wisdom and peace in the heart of the mayor. He is doing good things for his town, so please give him confidence to keep going and doing good for his people. He reforming could be considered idealistic but I consider it practical bravery. Lord, I also pray for the new policemen in Jalapa. Keep them strong and do not let them be tempted by the dealings of the drug traffickers. Let them see money isn't everything, let them stay honest to their jobs and do your will Lord. God, I sense a turning around for this city in Jalapa, Lord please have your hand on the people in that town.


March 25, 2011

NY Times: Resignation Shows US-Mexico Divide on Role

As I posted a couple of sessions ago that Carlos Pascual, the American Ambassador, resigned last week. Now the problem is has his disputes with President Calderon created a divide between the two countries. Mexico does not want America to take complete control over Mexico, but Mexico is continually asking for help from its northern ally. The question is where do they draw the line between helping and being too involved. As one American ambassador put it the United States is like a bear and Mexico is like a porcupine; "the tighter the bear hugs, the more both animals get hurt."


You are Emmanuel, God with us. Thank you for being all knowing and powerful. I pray for the tender relationship between Mexico and America. It is in such a delicate state because Mexico needs help, but it does not want America taking over. Lord, put your hand in this situation. Give wisdom and patience to Obama, Clinton, and Calderon. In order for there to be a decrease in drug trafficking the countries have to work together. Let us find some resolution and let us look upon you for guidance. You are the shining light in this dark world.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 23, 2011

Associated Press: Book of kids' drawing chronicles Mexico drug war

In Morelia, Mexico children (between ages 7-12) have produced a book full of images of shootouts, kidnapping, robberies and grenade attacks. The book is called, "The Mexico I Live." It was released Tuesday by the Michoacan state Human Rights Commission and a local university. The pictures "show explicit images of a society devoted to drug trafficking, violence and of abuses against minors, said the university professor Araceli Colin.

Since December 2006, there have been 34,000 deaths related to the drug violence. Mexico estimates 994 children and youths under 18 were killed in drug warfare between late 2006 and lat 2010 across the country, and the numbers keep rising.


You are beauty when there is none to be seen, and you are all around. Lord, I pray for these children in Morelia. They have witnessed things that they should never be exposed to. Lord, my heart hurts for these children who have no safe haven and probably don't know what a refuge is. They are in constant fear and I know you are what these children need to cling onto. Let them see your unfailing love. Let them know you are there with them and you will never let go. God thank you for produced a book full or daunting thoughts and pictures. The world needs to be aware of the devastation in Mexico and this will further help their cause in getting the world out to what these children are being exposed to. You are knowing and all powerful, let your light shine forever.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22, 2011

Associated Press: 5 guards suspected in $13 million robbery

In Oaxaca, Mexico it has been reported that 5 guards at a transporting company have been detained for stealing about $13 million. The Attorney General, Manuel de Jesus Lopez said the men gave contradictory statements and they did not report to the police until 4 hours after the "robbery" occurred. The guards claimed that 6 gunmen came in early Sunday and overpowered the guards and took off with the money. However, it now looks like the guards are the ones who took off with the 157 million pesos.


You are justice when there is none. You are light when there is only darkness in this world. I don't know the stories of these men who "supposedly" robbed the company, but what I do know is that they need love. I have no right to judge or have my own presuppositions. You are the only one who is perfect and righteous above others. Therefore, I ask you to be with these men and let them be honest and true. You know all and you can do all. So again be with these men and also be with the attorney general who has to make wise decisions. Give him advice and grace. You are God almighty and you will reign forever.


Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21, 2011

NY Times: Pascual Quits Over Cables on Mexico

The American Ambassador to Mexico resigned his position on Saturday. There were many factors that led to this decision made by Carlos Pascual, former ambassador. One major factor to his decision came from the bitter complaints of Felipe Calderon, the Mexican President. Another issue was WikiLeaks cables posted that in December Pascual questioned the Mexican army's "bravery" in capturing a cartel leader. The final straw to his resignation was made by Hilary Clinton, Secretary of State, who coerced Pascual to resign in order that the relationship between Mexico and America not be strained.


Thank for who you are. Thank you for being there in the tough times and the god times. Lord, I pray that you give comfort to Carlos Pascual who I am sure was very stressed over his delegations with Mexico and America. He might have been quoted wrong or just misinterpreted, but either way let him be comforted by you. I also pray for Calderon who is facing probably one of the hardest times in Mexico dealing with the drug cartel and chaos in his country. Lord, I pray we can help ease the pain and burden of such atrocities occurring in Mexico. Lord, I also pry for Hilary Clinton. Lord, giver her wisdom so she can make adequate decisions. Lord, you are the only and perfect ambassador and I am so grateful for that.
