Monday, March 28, 2011

March 25, 2011

NY Times: Resignation Shows US-Mexico Divide on Role

As I posted a couple of sessions ago that Carlos Pascual, the American Ambassador, resigned last week. Now the problem is has his disputes with President Calderon created a divide between the two countries. Mexico does not want America to take complete control over Mexico, but Mexico is continually asking for help from its northern ally. The question is where do they draw the line between helping and being too involved. As one American ambassador put it the United States is like a bear and Mexico is like a porcupine; "the tighter the bear hugs, the more both animals get hurt."


You are Emmanuel, God with us. Thank you for being all knowing and powerful. I pray for the tender relationship between Mexico and America. It is in such a delicate state because Mexico needs help, but it does not want America taking over. Lord, put your hand in this situation. Give wisdom and patience to Obama, Clinton, and Calderon. In order for there to be a decrease in drug trafficking the countries have to work together. Let us find some resolution and let us look upon you for guidance. You are the shining light in this dark world.


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