Monday, March 28, 2011

March 27, 2011

Mexico state near US on alert after H1N1 deaths
AFP: Mexico state near US on alert after H1N1 deaths

In the city of Juarez four people have died of the H1N1 virus in the last week. The state health officials quickly launched a vaccination campaign and outreach program to inform the city about preventative measures. Since April 2009 the swine flu has killed 18,500 people in Mexico. Not to mention the flu has been detected in 85 people in Venezuela in the past week.


You are El Shaddai, God almighty. You know all and are in all. Lord, I pray for the city of Juarez who constantly faces drug violence and who now faces disease. Lord, I pray for the people in Juarez. Comfort them and be with those families who have lost family members to the flu. Provide prevention and protection to others in the city and around. You can overcome all. Thank you for being our refuge.


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